Your Goals
Your Total Assets
Your Living Expenses
Share with us your desired retirement age and the amount you would want to leave for your loved ones.
years old now and want to
retire at
years old.
I want my retirement fund to last
I want to leave behind
to my loved ones.
Your assets will grow in value over time and will contribute significantly to your retirement and legacy goals.
Total Asset Amount
Annual Growth Rate
Disclaimer: Growth rates shown are average and may be adjusted as needed to reflect a more accurate rate based on your own research and personal circumstances.
Here is a simple breakdown of basic living expenses. You can input your estimated monthly living costs upon retirement.
Loan Repayment / Rental
Maintenance / Insurance
Car Loan Repayment
Maintenance (Petrol & Insurance)
Public Transportation
Groceries / Dining
Entertainment / Shopping
Utilities / Telecommunications
Child /Dependant Support
Health Insurance / Takaful
Life Insurance / Takaful
Note: The annual average inflation rate in Malaysia is 2.1%.
Every bit of your contribution matters as it would help towards achieving your retirement and legacy goals.
Target Retirement Age
Current Age
Retirement Fund To Last
Total Retirement Fund Needed
Target Legacy Amount
Total Fund Needed
Total Asset
You need to save per month